CompanyAzienda关于我们CompanyLa SocieteCompanyLa Compañía

The company, managed by the third generation of Sartoretto Verna family,  is today present in 25 nations in 4 countries.

All over the world we export competence and design with a logical and essential research  that made our stile recognizable and timeless.

Our Italian office in Rome shows our vision of architecture and design for offices, meeting areas, entertainment  areas, gardens and hospitality. Artists’ works, pieces of historical design and technology “live together” in an setting that wants to communicate an emotion.

This is our goal.

Sartoretto Verna, which has its headquarter in Rome (IT) and its commercial offices, technical offices and showrooms in Rome (IT) and Turin (IT), has matured its know-how in pharmacies renovation and today it conceives and realizes high quality furniture systems and architectural projects thanks to a unique way of work we like to call “global project” .

All over the world we export Italian design, details obsessive attention and passion for arts and technology. We offer design and project management in order to realize new or already existing  business centers and offices aiming to offer innovative solutions using the latest technology and materials and searching for functional spaces and great atmosphere.

The project goal is to satisfy the client’s needs, optimize the space, and respect the agreed budget.

The design follows a specific and tested path; the whole process is performed by a high qualified multilingual internal staff. All of our coworkers are graduated engineers, architects and landscape painters.

Trough a careful structural examination of the place the project aims to best use the space either if it is an extension, a renovation or a new construction.


In agreement with the local companies, we provide the elaborated architectural executives necessary to realize the setting, fully respecting the project and the regulations.

Sartoretto Verna goal is to realize settings that communicate harmony, energy, professionalism, and atmosphere. We achieve this result thanks to the masterly use of the space, lights, materials, and finishes, just as the book “Wok in future” shows.

La Società, gestita dalla famiglia Sartoretto Verna, ora alla sua terza generazione, è ad oggi presente con realizzazioni in 24 nazioni su 4 continenti.

In tutto il mondo esportiamo competenza e design con una ricerca logica ed essenziale che ha reso il nostro stile riconoscibile e senza tempo.

La nostra sede italiana a Roma illustra il nostro modo di intendere l’architettura ed il design negli uffici, negli spazi di relazione, nelle zone di intrattenimento, di ospitalità e nei giardini.

Opere di artisti, pezzi di design storici e tecnologia convivono discreti in ambienti che desiderano trasmettervi un’emozione.

Questo è lo scopo del nostro lavoro.

La  Sartoretto Verna,  con quartier generale a Roma (IT) e sedi commerciali, studi tecnici e showrooms a Roma (IT) e Torino (IT), ha maturato il suo know-how nella ristrutturazione di farmacie ed oggi concepisce e realizza progetti di architettura e sistemi di arredamento di alta qualità grazie ad un metodo di lavoro unico che chiamiamo “progetto globale”.

In tutto il mondo esportiamo design italiano, cura maniacale per il dettaglio e passione per l’arte e la tecnologia. Offriamo design e project management per la realizzazioni di centri direzionali ed uffici di nuova apertura o già esistenti con l’obiettivo di fornire soluzioni innovative, sfruttando le più moderne tecnologie e materiali alla ricerca di spazi funzionali di grande atmosfera.

Il progetto ricerca come obiettivo  di  soddisfare le  esigenze  del  cliente, ottimizzare lo spazio ed osservare il budget convenuto.

La progettazione segue un percorso preciso e collaudato; tutto il processo viene eseguito da uno staff multilingua interno altamente  specializzato.  Tutti i nostri collaboratori sono laureati ingegneri, architetti e paesaggisti.

Lo studio progettuale ha come obiettivo il miglior utilizzo dello spazio attraverso un  attento  esame strutturale  dell’immobile sia  esso  un  ampliamento,  una ristrutturazione od una costruzione ex-novo.

Forniamo  in  accordo  con  le  imprese  locali, tutti gli elaborati esecutivi architettonici necessari per realizzare gli ambienti nel pieno rispetto del progetto e delle normative vigenti.

La Sartoretto Verna si pone come obiettivo la realizzazione di ambienti che comunicano armonia, energia, professionalità, atmosfera. Risultato che si ottiene col sapiente utilizzo dello spazio, delle luci, dei materiali, delle finiture proprio come li vedrà illustrati nel libro “Work in future”.

Sartoretto Verna – Headquarter design worldwide



我们的事业遍布全球 (在4个大陆的24个国家), 透过 理性、实质需求和出众的个人品味我们的设计风格具有无时限的特点。

我们位于意大利罗马的本部, 同时也展现我们认为的建筑与设计的风格与样式。我们设计包括庭院、办公场合、休息娱乐与招待等各个领域。



SARTORETTO VERNA 的总部位于意大利罗马。 销售部,技术部和展厅在罗马(意大利)和都灵(意大利)。

我们公司对药店设计有深刻的了解。目前SARTORETTO VERNA通过独一无二的工作方法

—— 全球项目 (“global project”) ——设计与建筑项目和家具系统。




项目有固定的程序。 我们公司的专业职员能够说不同的语言,他们是工程师、设计师或者建筑师。

不管贵公司想设计新的办公室,还是装修办公室或者扩大建筑, 我们专业的建筑设计背景会为您的建筑空间量身做一个最好的方案。


我们的目标是在专业的设计下充分利用自然光和照明、设计材料、注重细节, 从而表达出和谐的空间。

为了更深刻地了解我们的文化和概念您可以参考SARTORETTO VERNA 的书”Work In future”.

Sartoretto Verna – Headquarter design worldwide

Based in Rome and Turin, our company has designed a patented series of purpose-built pharmacy furniture, which is then manufactured by our partner companies.

Our expertise in pharmacy store design (the first in Turin in 1965) is attested to by over 1500 pharmacy refurbishments and renovations completed all over the world that have created above-average rises in turn over for our clients.

Our lines of furniture for pharmacies, drug stores and chemists are part of a comprehensive modular system of pharmacy fixtures which are distributed throughout Italy and the world by our Rome and Turin offices.

The aim of our designs is to satisfy the needs of the client by optimizing space through an appropriate use of cross-selling and visual merchandising techniques whilst keeping within the agreed budget.

The planning process follows a precise and proven path. Firstly, you will be contacted by one of our highly-specialised staff, all of whom have a degree in engineering or architecture, who will draw up a detailed plan of the building.

The project phase aims to ensure that the best use of the space is made by carrying out a carefulstructural survey of the building. This is done for extensions, major renovations as well as completely new constructions too.

Before the pharmacy’s new interior is delivered and assembled, we will provide you with all of the final drawings and instructions that are needed for preparing the pharmacy for refurbishment in partnership withlocal companies, as outlined in the project and in compliance with existing legal norms. The delivery and assembly will then be carried out by our specialised personnel.

The final result reveals a synergy between the building and the interior décor, creating an environment that is both efficient and discreet, conveys perfection and elegance and persuades the customer to purchase by inducing trust  – the essence of the Sartoretto Verna style.

La société, dirigée par la famille Sartoretto Verna depuis trois générations, vante aujourd’hui  des réalisations  dans 24 pays sur 4 continents.

Nous exportons dans le monde entier compétence et design caractérisés par une recherche logique et essentielle qui a fait notre style incomparable et sans temps.

Dans ses bureaux, ses espaces communs, ses zones de divertissement et d’accueil et dans les jardins, notre siège italienne à Rome illustre notre façon d’entendre l’architecture et le design.

Les œuvres d’artistes, les objets culte de design et technologie coexistent discrètement dans environnements qui souhaitent Vous transmettre une émotion.

Ça, le but de notre travail.

Sartoretto Verna, avec siège centrale à Rome (IT) et bureaux de vente, cabinets techniques et salles d’expo à Rome (IT) et Turin (IT), a développé son savoir-faire dans la rénovation des pharmacies et aujourd’hui conçoit et réalise projets architecturaux et systèmes d’agencement de haute qualité grâce à une méthodologie de travail unique qu’on appelle «projet global».

Dans le monde entier nous exportons le design italien, avec l’attention méticuleuse aux détails et la passion pour l’art et la technologie. Nous offrons la conception et la gestion du projet pour la réalisation de centres d’affaires et bureaux nouveaux ou existants dans le but de fournir des solutions innovantes en utilisant les dernières technologies et matériaux toujours à la recherche d’espaces fonctionnels de grande atmosphère.

Le projet vise à répondre aux besoins du client, optimiser l’espace et respecter le budget convenu.

La conception suit un parcours précise et éprouvé; tout le procès est réalisé par un personnel interne hautement qualifié et multilingue. Tous nos employés sont diplômés ingénieurs, architectes et paysagistes.

L’étude du projet a l’objectif de trouver le meilleur usage de l’espace en suivant un attentif examen structurel de l’immeuble soit qu’il s’agisse d’une extension, soit que une rénovation ou une nouvelle construction.

Nous fournissons en accord avec les entreprises locales, toutes les dessins d’exécution nécessaires pour réaliser le projet dans le respect de la conception et de toutes réglementations.

 Sartoretto Verna vise à la création des ambiances qui communiquent harmonie, énergie, professionnalisme, et atmosphère. Résultat qui est obtenu par l’utilisation intelligente de l’espace, de la lumière, des matériaux, des finitions comme on voit illustré dans le livre «Work in future »

Sartoretto Verna – Headquarter design worldwide

Based in Rome and Turin, our company has designed a patented series of purpose-built pharmacy furniture, which is then manufactured by our partner companies.

Our expertise in pharmacy store design (the first in Turin in 1965) is attested to by over 1500 pharmacy refurbishments and renovations completed all over the world that have created above-average rises in turn over for our clients.

Our lines of furniture for pharmacies, drug stores and chemists are part of a comprehensive modular system of pharmacy fixtures which are distributed throughout Italy and the world by our Rome and Turin offices.

The aim of our designs is to satisfy the needs of the client by optimizing space through an appropriate use of cross-selling and visual merchandising techniques whilst keeping within the agreed budget.

The planning process follows a precise and proven path. Firstly, you will be contacted by one of our highly-specialised staff, all of whom have a degree in engineering or architecture, who will draw up a detailed plan of the building.

The project phase aims to ensure that the best use of the space is made by carrying out a carefulstructural survey of the building. This is done for extensions, major renovations as well as completely new constructions too.

Before the pharmacy’s new interior is delivered and assembled, we will provide you with all of the final drawings and instructions that are needed for preparing the pharmacy for refurbishment in partnership withlocal companies, as outlined in the project and in compliance with existing legal norms. The delivery and assembly will then be carried out by our specialised personnel.

The final result reveals a synergy between the building and the interior décor, creating an environment that is both efficient and discreet, conveys perfection and elegance and persuades the customer to purchase by inducing trust  – the essence of the Sartoretto Verna style.

La Sociedad gestionada por la familia Sartoretto Verna, ya en su tercera generación, está presente a través de sus proyectos en 24 países de 4 continentes. Exportamos profesionalidad y design en todo el mundo, con una búsqueda continua de lo esencial que ha hecho que nuestro estilo sea reconocido e intemporal. Nuestra sede italiana en Roma ilustra nuestro modo de entender la arquitectura y el design en oficinas, espacios relacionales, áreas de entretenimiento y de hospitalidad, e incluso en los jardines. Obras de artistas internacionales, piezas de diseño histórico y últimas tecnologías conviven en modo discreto en ambientes que tienen como finalidad transmitir emociones al visitante/espectador. Éste es el objetivo de nuestro trabajo. Sartoretto Verna, con sus oficinas centrales en Roma y sede comercial, estudio técnico y showroom en Roma (IT) y Turín (IT), ha madurado su saber hacer en la renovación de farmacias, y hoy concibe y realiza proyectos de arquitectura y sistemas de mobiliario de alta calidad gracias a un método de trabajo único, que llamamos “proyecto global”. Exportamos design italiano en todo el mundo, con un cuidado especial por los detalles y una fuerte pasión por el arte y la tecnología. Ofrecemos design y gestión de proyectos (project management) para la realización de centros direccionales y oficinas de nueva apertura o existentes, con el objetivo de ofrecer soluciones innovadoras, aprovechando las más avanzadas tecnologías y materiales en la búsqueda de espacios funcionales que creen una buena atmósfera en el lugar. El proyecto tiene como objetivo la completa satisfacción del cliente, la optimización del espacio y el respeto del presupuesto acordado. La fase proyectual sigue un recorrido preciso y testado; la totalidad del proceso es seguido por personal multilingüe altamente cualificado. Todos nuestros colaboradores son ingenieros, arquitectos y arquitectos paisajistas. El estudio del proyecto tiene como finalidad un mejor aprovechamiento del espacio, realizado a través de un atento examen estructural del inmueble, ya sea una ampliación, una rehabilitación o una nueva construcción. Proporcionamos, de acuerdo con las empresas de construcción locales, todos los planos necesarios para una correcta ejecución de los ambientes diseñados, con el mayor respeto por el proyecto y las normativas vigentes. Sartoretto Verna se marca como objetivo la realización de ambientes que comuniquen armonía, energía y profesionalidad en una buena atmósfera de trabajo. Dichos resultados se obtienen con el magistral aprovechamiento del espacio, de la iluminación, de los materiales y de los acabados, exactamente como lo veréis reflejado en las ilustraciones del libro “Work in future”.